Work With
Through connection & empowerment I am free”
Life can be pretty damn challenging, complicated and painful sometimes. Lacking direction, purpose and a desire to lead a happy and healthy life can lead to anxiety, depression, emotional and mental stress, and physical health issues. It can be frustrating, lonely and a miserable place to be sometimes, leaving many feeling stuck, scared and unhappy.
You may have tried mainstream therapy's, medication, ‘getting on with it’ or alternative treatments so you can get some relief from the unhappiness, the negative, outdated and limiting beliefs, and even the sickness you may have experienced. For most people, there is an awareness that something within them needs to heal or change so they can create a 
better way of being.
Fear can prevent us from seeking the answers we so desperately want. Fear of the unknown, fear of what may arise, fear of failure or even success, fear of doing the inner work and the ‘disruption’ or awakening as I like to call it, that may occur with change and growth.
What if I told you that change and growth doesn’t need to be feared. Yes, it can be a bit messy, 
but it doesn’t need to be feared.
Is it possible the symptoms of “life being so damn challenging, complicated and painful”, are your soul’s way of communicating with you, calling and nudging you to listen to your inner voice and to rise, to live your truth and to transform the old way of being… and to SHINE?
"Your purpose has nothing to do with how you make a living. That is your vocation, mission, or inspired passion - all worthy - but your purpose is much simpler and bigger. Your purpose is joy. It's about discovering, nurturing, and celebrating who you truly are, and knowing and loving yourself at the deepest level." Kris Carr

what is
Kinesiology is energy therapy. It is an holistic approach to health and wellness, and your souls evolution. 
Kinesiology utilises non-invasive muscle testing to identify and correct imbalances in the body.
Your soul speaks its language through your physical body. The physical body is a conduit for expressing disease and afflictions. The physical body has an innate intelligence and is capable of healing and overcoming traumas. By using Kinesiology to access the body’s innate intelligence to identify and correct imbalances in the body, you are able to heal and overcome issues such as:
•    Identifying nutritional deficiencies or excesses, weight problems, allergies
• Eliminate emotional, physical and mental stresses
• Help overcome past traumas
• Aid in the healing of muscle injuries
• Enhance learning
• Addictions
• Setting goals
• Grief
• Letting go
• Creativity
• Destiny
• Soul evolution
• Trust issues
• Feeling ‘stuck’
• And awakening the beauty with in you!
What is a 
Balancing is a term used when a person has an appointment/session with me. I balance a persons ‘being’ by accessing 
the tools I use to correct and release the blockages in the body patterns and the soul’s energetic blueprint.
What are 
   I am trained in and use many different techniques (corrections), some adapted from Applied Kinesiology, acupuncture and chiropractic theories, RAW Kinesiology, brain integration techniques, nutritional supplements, diet and lifestyle changes, crystals, Australian Bush Flower Essences, essential oils, colour and sound therapy, light language and codes 
and much more.
What is
pkp kinesiology?
In the late 1970’s from the research of Dr Bruce Dewe, founder of the International College of Professional Kinesiology Practice, came the birth of the Professional Kinesiology Programme (PKP). By far the most advanced and complete Kinesiology modality presently available.

PKP™ Kinesiology is used in the Health & Wellness Field as an effective and versatile tool to identify and correct stress and imbalances in the body, by applying skilled muscle monitoring to provide bio-feedback to the practitioner.
Kinesiology is the most encompassing of all the Natural Therapies, and PKP™ is the Gold standard in the industry. PKP™ is also at the forefront of the new frontier of energy medicine.

PKP™ Kinesiology brings together the ancient Chinese philosophies with acupressure, massage, counselling and Western techniques. The Triad of Health is the model used by most Kinesiologists to help explain how Kinesiology is truly holistic and ‘treats’ the whole body / person, not just a symptom, to reveal an accurate picture of the problem at hand. The Triad of Health is used to describe how the ‘being’ (whole person) must be in balance. For a healthy and happy existence the physical, bio-chemical and emotional sides of our life must be in harmony with one another, hence the term ‘holistic health care’.
"I now have full access to my own wisdom."
What is
blissed out chakras?
Do you ever feel you should have reached the stage in life where everything "should" have fallen into place, yet it has not?
Your roots are not firmly planted in the soil of your dreams as you thought they would be.
You want more out of life and deep down you know you have a purpose, yet you can't seem to get back into the
'flow' of life, nor your souls dreams and goals.
• Do you want to be the master of your own destiny?
• Do you want to create more happiness and abundance?
• Do you want life to control you or would you prefer to take control of your life and get back into 'flow'?
You can master your own destiny and create what you would truly love to achieve by being in an 
energetic rhythm and flow.
I have created the Blissed Out Chakra 7 week program to help bring you back into the 'flow', to raise your vibration and to attract more of the happiness and abundance your soul is desiring for you.
Blissed Out Chakras is an experience where you will dive deep into the energies of the 7 body centres, bringing them back to their natural vibrancy, and of course Blissed Out!
I have created Blissed Out Chakras based on the knowledge and experience I have gain throughout my years as kinesiologist and energy healing facilitator.

The ways in which I will support you, is to provide a reassuring, comfortable and a safe environment, so you can relax and allow yourselves to explore the full parameters of each Blissed Out Chakra session.
During the session, I make it a priority to support you at all times. I will be working to release unwanted energies, traumas and disruptions to the chakra system to also support the endocrine system.
The endocrine system plays a major role in our body's daily health, it is made up of many glands. These glands manufacture hormones and secretes them directly into the bloodstream. They control all aspects of our growth, development and immunity.

The Blissed Out Chakra process enables you to release old patterns, blocks and suppressions, a build-up of emotions and surrogates. This allows all chakras and the light bodies to transform and rise up to a new way of being.

Before we begin, let's get to know each other over a Free 20 min Strategy Session 
What is 
rekindled ancient wisdom?
RAW was co-created in 1998 by Pam Myers & Sally Worth.
Rekindled Ancient Wisdom (RAW) is the balance of evolution. It is designed to help individuals to find their own ancient wisdom so they can regain their personal power and let their Soul evolve.
Rekindled Ancient Wisdom is a balance using muscle testing to access the energetic source of ancient times that are held within your cells. This enables you to re-pattern the energy blockages in the cells that are creating emotional, physical or soul imbalances, keeping focus on the Soul's direction and help you to reach your full potential.
By the use of Scan Lists and Ancient Tribal Symbols, the balance helps to find blockages within all Twelve Parts of the Being, on multiple levels and dimensions, that are manifesting as pain, illness, emotional upsets, confusion or dysfunction at any level.

Rekindled Ancient Wisdom accesses traumas of the past, present and future, in a non-invasive way, releasing past failures, fears and blockages that are hindering your progress this lifetime.
RAW leads you on the path to empowerment, and from this point of personal power issues dissolve, the healing mechanism kicks in and a new vibrational pattern is established which opens up the energies for change, and creates a platform to build your new life.

RAW teaches us that we not only have the power, but we are the power in our own life. We are the creators, the architects, the designers of our lives and by removing the blocks in our energies, we are able to see, fell and create more clearly and freely.
Before we begin, let's get to know each other over a Free 20 min Strategy Session 
7 Week Blissed Out Chakra Program
How to raise your vibration with Blissed Out Chakras to attract more happiness and abundance in life!


Individual Kinesiology Sessions

Initial Consultation $140 (1.5-2hrs)
 Follow Up $120 for a 1hr 15min session

5 Week Nutrition &
Wellness Program
Consists of 5 Sessions, focusing on achieving optimal health & wellness. Balancing the being as a whole using techniques to release emotional &  mental issues around health, and balancing the body with nutritional support, creating a firm foundation to achieving a clients individual goals.

Australian Bush Flower Essence Remedies

$20 per remedy

4 Weeks Rekindle Ancient Wisdom Kinesiology
RAW is a balance using muscle testing to access the energetic source of ancient times that are held within our cells. This enables a person to re-pattern the energy blockages in the cells that are creating emotional, physical or soul imbalances, by keeping focus on the soul's direction and helping them to reach their full potential.
Book Strategy Session


$140 for a 1hr 15 min session
