
  • "I had 4 RAW Balance sessions with Samantha. Wow! Every session was absolutely amazing. I felt calm and completely zoned out to her charismatic voice. After each session in the coming days, I felt as though a weight was lifted. I had more energy and was able to be more productive and bounce through my days on a higher level of flow. I had a lot of negative energy released and will definitely be getting monthly tune up sessions. Highly recommend."

    Bree O
  • “I honestly have never felt better in my life. My anxiety levels are getting less and less (still a work in progress but so much better!). My relationships are improving. I’m listening to my body/soul more than ever before. I feel more confident. Calmer. Less self-critical. Etc. I have felt that the last 2 chakras knocked me a bit. Not in a bad way, I just felt a massive release and adjusting to that clear space has felt bizarre. It’s as though the energy we hold there, acts as a comfort blanket and when it’s stripped away, we don’t know what to make of ourselves. I’m recreating myself from scratch and it’s taking some time to process. The universe is also challenging with some family and work-related stuff, but I feel like I can handle it. I just need to be kind to myself and a bit selfish right now...for the greater good. It’s weird to think I’m just over halfway there and I already feel like a different person! Thanks so much beautiful! You have changed my life Sam! I cannot thank you enough! I’ve actually been thinking I’ll sign up to do it every year. I recognize that it’s a journey and we can only do as much healing as what we’re ready to take in at the stage we are at on that journey. As I grow and evolve the work will get deeper and having someone to help guide your through the process is invaluable. You have been an incredible guide! Your ego isn’t so caught up in the work, so you act as a channel of light to facilitate healing. You’re lovely to work with!”

    Tass B
  • "I’m so thankful that Sammie’s Blissed Out Chakra course was suggested to me by my sister. We have been on a spiritual journey for the last few years with no clear direction or real understanding of what we needed to do or where we were going. We have been searching for something we didn’t even know existed until we came across Sammie’s post on Facebook. It was worth every second, cent and more. I feel the personal growth I have experienced in my 7 weeks was more than I have experienced on my entire journey and I have never been more sure of who I am or more comfortable in my own skin. My weekly appointments were the favourite part of my entire week and for the first time in my life I found myself counting down the days until we would meet again. Not only has Sammie been a wonderful healer and offered such wisdom and guidance, I now think of her as somewhat of a mentor and a friend for life. If anyone has been feeling like they just weren’t sure where to go next, please get in touch with Sammie and change your life like I have. The world needs more healers and spiritually aware people and I’m so excited to be part of this energetic shift in the universe. Thank you Sammie... from the bottom of my blissed out heart (chakra)."

    Annie B
  • "On the school holidays I took my two daughters aged 7 and 5 to my soul sister Samantha Hill for a kinesiology balance. My youngest daughter was experiencing intense skin eruptions on her back and shoulders and although essential oils were assisting she was still quite uncomfortable. The plan was to investigate food imbalances yet once Sammie began her balancing process the priority issue which arose to be investigated and resolved was emotions based. Intuitively I felt this to be the case so I was not surprised when past life unresolved emotions came up. Watching the session transpire before me was reassuring as Sammie is a natural with kids. My two fidgeters where mostly responsive and engaged. My youngest has an intense fear of dogs both large and small. After the session which cleared past life emotional issues my daughter was outside patting Sammie’s large dog. This was amazing to observe as her confidence had increased in such a short period of time. Also within 2 days her skin had completely healed and three weeks on it is still clear. Thank you Sammie for your time, energy and intuitive insights. One happy Mumma!"

    Natalie O
  • "Samantha is a true gift to the world! I have just completed her Blissed Out Chakra experience and it was truly life changing. Through major trauma experienced around 4 years ago I felt like I was stumbling through life and my emotions, completely unbalanced and heading towards a breakdown. I was referred to Samantha to assist with balancing and even awakening my spiritual assets and I got more that I ever imagined. She is very precise and clear about the purpose and meaning of each method and has a way to make you feel completely at ease allowing you to surrender to the healing and balancing. Many experiences took me by surprise with how far back these afflictions or oppressions go and through the balancing of each Chakra I was able to be released and cleared to step forth in my sprititual journey which a much clearer path has already been forged thanks to the healing work Samantha provides. There was considerable healing - both physically, emotionally and mentally, a dynamic shift in my thought patterns which would normally opress me - instead I am given the gift of nuturing myself for the first time in many many years. Samantha and her spiritual guides provided clarity in many aspects of my life and health, have helped me release so much built up grief, frustration and drama. Each session taught me more about myself than any generic medical or psychological method - and at a fraction of what the medical field would charge. These 7 weeks have truly changed my life and saved it in many ways. I am a much more compassionate, loving and open minded human for having done the course and I am so excited for what life brings me with this new found balanced glow. "

    Rachael S