
Soul Contracts and Free Will – How They Intertwine

Firstly, let me just say that the information I’m sharing with you is based on my perception, beliefs and learnings on the subject of soul contracts and how they intertwine with our free will. May I suggest you feel into what feels right for you and do your own research on the subject.
Soul contracts come in many forms, they are either sacred contracts that have not been disarmed from past lives, a sacred contract that involves people and our destiny, and our soul’s purpose in this life time. There are also positive and negative implant contracts and contracts that are vows and promises. I’ll go into further detail on these and what they mean further down.
All of these soul contracts are an agreement that your Oversoul makes in order for your soul to grow and evolve in this lifetime. These contracts were decided upon before you were even born.
What is your Oversoul?
Your Oversoul is the collective personalities of all you past lives that are placed in harmony together. It is the Oversouls mission to be filled with love and to evolve and expand through lifetime experiences. Our soul is constantly growing and learning in each and every lifetime it experiences. Our oversoul is never ending, always living and evolving.
In this lifetime, the person that you are now, there are 12 parts to your being according to Rekindled Ancient Widsom (RAW):
Emotional being
Dimensional realities
Spiritual being
Higher self
Mental being
Inner child
Physical being
Parent gene
God within
All of these create the personality that you are today. The Oversoul is attached to all 12 parts of your being. The Oversoul holds all of your cellular memories from each and every lifetime you have experienced. Your Oversoul knows every single thing about you, right down to what you ate for breakfast 5, 10, 20 lifetimes ago and if you’re an old soul then it goes back even further. Right back to the time of your creation. It is the Oversoul that sets in place the contracts for this lifetime’s best evolution and also based on your karmic debt. The oversouls intention always is to honour with love.
Let’s talks about implants. Rekindled Ancient Wisdom (RAW) states that we all have them. Positive implants are like our coding for this time and space. The coding gives us all the relevant information for our growth and evolution this lifetime. Just as there are positive implants, there are negative implants that the oversoul chooses as soul contracts to be released in this lifetime. These negative implants are either past life implants or genetic implants. We also have hallucinogenic implants that our mind and ego create, a bit like false information and stories we tell ourselves in this life time that have NOT been placed on the soul as a contract by the oversoul. There are viral implants too, these implants have been put in placed by other peoples beliefs and programs in this lifetime.
All of these implants can slow us down, and in many cases block our soul’s development and growth.
There is another type of soul contract that has the ability to hold us back and that is the contracts of ‘vows and promises’ we make to ourselves over time. They are extremely strong energies and once they are made, they are always in place, even if they are hindering our development now. The subconscious mind keeps a record of the vows and promises we make and uses its power to make sure we abide by them.
It is in this lifetime that our oversoul has set in place these soul contracts to be released and disarmed so that we are no longer bound by the vows and promises of past lives that are no longer relevant in this lifetime. And also, the disarming and releasing of unwanted or needed implants.
But what about free will and how does it affect our soul contracts?
Firstly, what is free will? The Collins dictionary states, “If you believe in free will, you believe that people have a choice in what they do and that their actions have not been decided in advance by God or any other person.”
Or there is my version, “Free will is that part of us, namely the ego and mental being that makes decisions based on choices that we perceive as being the most appropriate for our best interest, which is based on what we know, see and hear. All without coercion from another.”
Our oversoul sets up pre-determined encounters with people. The oversoul makes hundreds, if not thousands of soul contracts for us to meet up with other people at a pre-determined time and place, so that we can reach our highest possible soul growth and development this lifetime.
Now that is all fabulous if we have a crystal ball and can see into the future, but we don’t, we have free will and things can and do change. We are human beings after all and riding a roller coaster ride of emotions and experiencing a life with extreme influences, such as; government dictatorships and rules, social media, news, movies (good and not so good), big pharma and big corporations that don’t have our best interests at heart and then we have our family and friend’s expectations.
All of these have a huge influence in the way we make a decision. Free will can be very challenging…
Ok, so let me give you a simple example of free will and a soul contract intertwining…
Suzi’s soul contract is for her to meet up with Fred at a pre-determined time and place, so that they can live happily ever after, have lots of babies and live an awesome life together.
Sounds wonderful right?
Currently, Suzi is 26yrs old and in a relationship with Pete. She is reasonably happy, Pete’s a good guy, he works hard and is able to provide a good lifestyle for them both. Her intuition is trying to get her attention to warn her that he’s not really the right man for her. She gets the feeling somethings not right yet can’t quite put her finger on it. She considers leaving him but decides to stay as she has the belief she won’t find a better man than Pete. And… they both desperately want to have children together before 30. She believes he will be a great father and provider and this makes her feel secure, so they get married and have a family.
Clearly, instead of listening to her intuition about Pete, she decides to stay. This is her free will. In that moment, Suzi has now changed the course of her soul contract.
Years go by and Suzi has had children and her marriage to Pete has ended in disaster. They divorce and Suzi now finds herself enjoying life as a single mum with 3 kids at 37.
Then one day, Suzi was invited to a friend’ s party and she is introduced to Fred. Now Fred has lived an interesting life fulfilling his soul contracts over the years, but has always felt something was missing in his life… Suzi!!
So, Fred and Suzi hit it off and start dating and eventually get married. Unfortunately, they don’t have kids because Suzi has had her children and doesn’t want anymore. But that’s ok, they have each other and now live happily ever after! Fabulous!
Suzi’s free will may have changed the course of her soul contract, but it didn’t stop it entirely. Because Fred and Suzie where destined to meet, they eventually did at a later stage in their lives, because again, it was Suzi’s free will to divorce Pete. This triggered a frequency between each other and opened up space to create the attraction for their souls to finally meet.
When Suzi decided to stay, she unknowingly set herself up to create another path to meet Fred and therefore make other free will choices to finally get to the point of her soul contract with Fred. Taking much longer route to fulfil her destiny.
Moral of the story…
When confronted with a choice that will determine your future, listen to your intuition, your gut feeling, your heart. Go within, be still. Come out of the mind and listen to what your body has to say, some call this exercise, embodiment. It’s a very powerful practice and I do this as much as I can when I find my mind is going crazy with thoughts and I’m filled with irrational or unsettling emotions. When I’m in this state, I need to really listen to what’s going on, so I stop, feel and listen.
Once you have stopped, felt and listened to what’s going on in your life and you have your answer, if it’s a big fat yes, then go for it!! If it’s doubt, uncertainly or a big fat no, then perhaps you either need more time to make a decision based on needing more information or you simply just don’t do it.
Yes, sometimes in life (lets face it, a lot) we make the wrong choices and we end up getting hurt, causing harm to others or creating a life of misery and unhappiness. Hopefully they are mostly small mistakes and life continues as it should, but when it’s the big ones, that’s when it’s time to try something different.
The definition of crazy is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.
Stop, feel and listen. Practice this regularly and you may start to see that your life will flow with more ease and grace. The universe will conspire to make things happen as planned by your oversoul.
What I’ve learnt over the past 10yrs since my spiritual awakening, is to listen to my heart more and be guided by it, so I can make better choices for my highest good.
Be someone who acts with integrity and morals. Be someone who is ethical, selfless, humble and compassionate, and not someone who is greedy, selfish, jealous and reckless in thought, acts and deeds.
This applies to all your dealings in life, not just with the people you meet along the way. Consider being an ethical consumer, be mindful of the environment and the world you live in, including the animals that walk and share the earth with you too.
I’m reminded of the wonderful book written by Don Miguel Ruiz, “The 4 Agreements.” I do my best to live my life by the 4 agreements he talks about in his book. Also available on audible, only 2.5hrs and easy to listen and understand.
  1. Always Be Impeccable With Your Word
  2. Never Assume
  3. Don’t Take Things Personally
  4. Always Do Your Best
Your mission in life is that of LOVE. When you have love and a good dose of gratitude in your heart for others and yourself, you will attract the lessons, experiences and people to you to assist you on your soul’s journey to achieve its highest evolution this lifetime.
Shine bright!

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