
Love In All Its Glory

What is love from the perspective of someone who had been incapable of knowing what it truly is.
Love comes in many forms. It takes hold of us in different ways. It can grab at our heart and suffocate and squeeze the life out of us.
Or... it can be held, nurtured and protected with care, kindness and respect.
I have fortunately experienced both, the later only recently.
What is love to me now after experiencing the true depths of pain, sorrow, discomfort and unrest, and to come out the other side with my heart full and still intact?
Love to me, what I know of it now, is so expansive, it cannot be put into words that adequately best describes it.
But I will try...
•    Love in all its glory, has no boundaries. The only boundary is that which we put on it
through the eyes of judgment, pain and the beliefs passed on from our parents.
• Love in all its glory, has the ability to conquer any battle of the heart and mind.
•    Love in all its glory, is the gate keeper to the unearthing of the soul’s purpose. Unlock the gate with love and you will see there is nothing to fear only the joys and wonders of life’s experiences.
I have been unravelling my heart now for the past 3 years in order to feel more complete, to feel me, to know me and to love me.
I chose this! I chose to know and feel love more deeply within myself.
Loving myself first and foremost is what I have found to be the greatest love of all.
For it has been in loving me that has given me the ability to rise above the hurt and distrust I had against those who I perceived caused me pain and sorrow.
Loving me gave me the ability to forgive.
Loving and accepting me in all my glory, all my weird and wonderful ways, has created a life force in me that has become so expansive.
I now desire to create and trust love more so that more of loves passion will flood my being in order for it to come back to me in ways that will surprise and delight me.
This expansive love comes from my heart, I physically feel it, know it and am guided by it every day.
I trust in this love. I trust in Source and I trust it will bring me to a place of inner peace.
I may not have the experience of loving someone in this expansive state of love, but I do trust it will happen and when it does, it will truly be magical.
I channelled this message from Spirit yesterday...
"Speak of love, speak of your experiences with love, speak of your disappointments, speak of your crazy ideas of what some people would consider over the top in their ability to connect with another in love.
Love you, do you and try not to let others influence your way of doing you. You have a kind, passionate, caring and expansive heart, that does not wish to be contained.
Love all you can that is before you. Present your love on a platter and allow those that wish to taste it, be transformed by the high frequency of what is known as Source love, for you have this within you. It cannot be contained in any way.
It is far too powerful to hold back, and why should it be when it is here to serve humanity and to be available to anyone who desires to feel it too.
Share your love dear one, for when it comes from a place of Oneness, truth and a commitment to do well by others, then nothing can touch you, nothing. Integrity prevails and so do those that are here to guide you and protect you. Fear not of the outcomes you perceive may harm you, for this is only the ego wishing to do its job in protecting you.
You are protected by the light and all that is. Trust in this and trust in my word."
I truly believe this applies to all if they choose to believe in love.
May you be blessed to feel and receive love always.

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