
A little bit about me & why I am who I am…
  I'm a single mumma to 2 amazing and gorgeous teenagers. They have been my world for the past 16yrs so far. We have 2 cute kitty cats and a very loud cockatiel. We live on the beautiful Gold Coast and have been fortunate enough to live on acreage for nearly 20yrs!
I’m a lover of the outdoors and will often take myself off the grid to go camping on my own to relax my mind and ground myself in nature.
I became a kinesiologist not long after I was diagnosed with a thyroid tumour almost 7yrs ago. I chose to heal myself as I’ve always 
known the body has an innate healing mechanism, and given 
the opportunity it can heal.
I studied full time to become a kinesiologist whilst working 3 jobs, playing hockey and being a single mum. It wasn’t easy, in fact there were days I thought I'd fail in so many areas of my life! And I did, after 2yrs of doing way too much, my body once again alerted me to an imbalance. I ended up with adrenal fatigue, exhaustion and feeling emotionally and physically depleted. 
  However, I would not change anything. I’m a much better person from all of the up and downs.
After studying kinesiology, I went on to studying Rekindled Ancient Wisdom (RAW), which then led me to co-creating The 5 Pillars of Light with another beautiful light worker, and from there I created my signature 7 week program, 
Blissed Out Chakras.  
Life has taken me on a wild and mysterious adventure, one I hope to continue with you.
So… if you feel broken and exhausted, I get it, I’ve been there, I know what it’s like to feel this. I also know what’s it’s like to put myself back together and to heal my body, my wounds and the emotional and mental trauma. Only this time the pieces are a better fit, for I stand more in my truth, my personal power and my soul’s purpose more than ever before!
Through connection and empowerment, my best life is unleashed.
Come along the journey with me, for when you do, know that I will provide a nurturing, supportive and most importantly a non-judgemental space for you to begin exploring your inner-workings and the issues that hold you back from your soul’s growth and purpose.